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(#hvo6xqq) @jlj Hmm, the image only loads the top lines, hitting refresh brings in a few more. This works for some time but about half way (just see top of the red boots) it stops and I'm not able to get any further. Very cool scenery, reminds me of a similar spot I've been yesterday. Have you been successful?

matched #22lu4hq score:5.78 Search by:
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(#aex52eq) @prologic Why not? You told us your daughter likes programming with her dad, doesn't she? So terminal use would be a next good skill to pick up. :-) But on a wee bit more (not much) serious note, you could probably rig something up with yt-dlp. Build a web interface or something.

matched #23e42ma score:5.78 Search by:
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(#mf4kvaa) @prologic Clients can always just ignore the nick part when displaying and render their local nickname if they want to. This discussion just started because the configuration data model in the original twtxt client is implemented with a map of nick to URL. So nicks need to be unique. Hence, I have two entries, "darch" for and "darch@neotxt" for I might miss something, but I'm not interested in standardizing anything for URL lookups by nick, that's completely up to the client. I only rarely type an entire mention verbatim, my client does it for me. It adds in all feeds that participated in the thread when replying. I reckon yarnd does (or did) the same.

matched #23pnlzq score:5.78 Search by:
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