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(#d5n4myq) @movq I can't think of a single one. Pretty lucky so far. @bender Holy cow, congrats on that title. I do have plugged in the more important equipment in a power strip with surge protection. The weird thing was, that only one of the monitors went black for a second. The other one (both are behind surge protection) remained operational the entire time. Maybe EMP? It was closer to the window than the other one.

matched #elsakca score:5.78 Search by:
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(#aiqtdda) @movq Such piece of shit software makes me want to quit. Esp. if it is just for useless compliance garbage that never helped anybody accomplishing any real improvement. Is it from IBM? We once had to build a threat model with some terrible generator and my goodness, you can't believe what a myriad of hopelessly useless, wrong entries it produced. Thousands of thousands of lines. At least it was markdown. We basically removed like 99% of its output after reading through every single item. Did this once and refused to touch it ever since. All hand-written now and actually helpful.

matched #uvvodeq score:5.78 Search by:
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