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(#hzwqlla) @prologic ohh I see. I think the difference between the two hadn't quite clicked. So in that case why wouldn't it be possible to have an ActivityPub bridge that forced yarn semantics (so to speak)? If someone sent you a reply via ActivityPub you wouldn't see it on yarn unless you followed their feed?

matched #dt4rbaq score:12.04 Search by:
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(#hzwqlla) @abucci What do you mean by "pedantic" exactly? > What would you, as an end user, do if someone stood up a yarn pod full of assholes who all collectively decided to twt at you all day every day? Right now (without Activity Pub) I wouldn't know. It wouldn't hurt me, I don't follow those "assholes", I don't have to. I don't pull their feed(s). However (which is the point ) if I have Activity Pub integrated and turned on, I have no choice now. Those same "assholes" can send me shit all day, every day, and there isn't anything I can do about it. My options then become to administratively block them at the server or OS level. What if I don't have administrative control?

matched #rzfifaq score:12.04 Search by:
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(#hzwqlla) @abucci As an example of the type of problem I'm seeing (even at small scale, and it's only been a few weeks of things working): My pod has been posted this `Create+Note` from an Activity Pub actor that no-one here seems to follow: ``` $ bat "Token:$YARND_TOKEN" | jq -r '. | map_values(@base64d) | {Key: .key, Value: .value | fromjson} | .Value.Following | select(. != null) | .[]' | sort -u | grep -i VaporMarxPlus | wc -l 0 ``` From This is terrible πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ I don't trust the protocol at this point.

matched #sxpknnq score:12.04 Search by:
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