@abucci@anthony.buc.ci As an example of the type of problem I’m seeing (even at small scale, and it’s only been a few weeks of things working):

My pod has been posted this Create+Note from an Activity Pub actor that no-one here seems to follow:

$ bat https://twtxt.net/api/v1/debug/db "Token:$YARND_TOKEN" | jq -r '. | map_values(@base64d) | {Key: .key, Value: .value | fromjson} | .Value.Following | select(. != null) | .[]' | sort -u | grep -i VaporMarxPlus | wc -l

From https://twtxt.net/twt/ffvzynq

This is terrible 🤦‍♂️ I don’t trust the protocol at this point.

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