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@prologic @antonio (#xv2o3ua) I guess the concern is: If you don't at least mirror the code to GitHub, discoverability of your code will suffer. But if you do mirror your code to GitHub, they potentially will ingest it into future AI training sets. Not sure there's a good way to have your cake and eat it too, apart from someone finally passing legislation that regulates how big companies (ab)use AI on other people's data.

matched #u57lmza score:8.92 Search by:
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(#jkgumvq) @prologic Here's the thing I've seen from the wonders of doing IT support for people, and hence seeing things like where they browse news and what emails they get: People are fed a completely distorted view of reality. And if you're seeing that constant stream of awful, and someone says "but you can do your part to save us for $x"... a lot of otherwise very rational people will do it without a second thought.

matched #kdzuwyq score:8.92 Search by:
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(#zaoprhq) @prologic I respectfully disagree. Software is offered or sold on terms, and if corporations aren't giving back, that's because they don't have to: Most people with money have it because they don't part with it when they don't have to. If we want healthy open source, we have to set terms for open source that establish healthy relationships with corporate users.

matched #cgt57ia score:8.92 Search by:
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(#zaoprhq) I would agree with the original claim, that open source is broken, because we've let small groups of people (OSI and FSF) hold very arbitrary and restrictive rules that prohibit fixing the issue. The SSPL and similar solutions exist, but we refuse to embrace them because of these gatekeepers to the official definitions of FOSS.

matched #yrofxzq score:8.92 Search by:
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