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1 mile time trial: 1.03 miles, 00:06:40 average pace, 00:06:51 duration 76.2F feels like 84.6F with 93% RH and 73.7F dew point. felt great after the warm-up but then the humidity hit me and i realized i was drenched and it wouldn’t stop. it was going to be rough, and it was. kept a pretty steady pace which was great… at around 0.70 miles i upchucked in my mouth a bit, which was oh so great, so i eased off the gas towards the end. overall very happy with the effort since normally i do this when it is much cooler and drier. in addition i haven’t been doing much speedwork so this is great. #running

matched #f6bpmta score:7.73 Search by:
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(#v3vqhxq) @bmallred overall this was pretty good and the run-walk intervals kept my heart rate low. at around 0400 a car came racing (90-100 mph) down gulf blvd towards my direction. it turned its headlights off and actually lost traction at point and skidded a bit. okay, kids. then a bit later i hear the car coming back behind me... so i got as far to the right as i could in case the car skids again. as it passed me i looked over my shoulder and saw a police vehicle a bit back w/o lights on yet. then looking in front another cop and then they blocked the lanes to get the driver to stop. driver decided he wasn't stopping and tried to swerve around the police and ended up ping-ponging between sides of the road. enough of that... took a wrong turn after going over the first bridge, but luckily it went in a loop. didn't really know exactly where i was going anyways and was just winging it from the get-go. the rest of the run was pretty uneventful and just a fun experience. crazy idea accomplished.

matched #53qbb2a score:7.73 Search by:
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