@prologic@twtxt.net I have no specific issues, except that now I’m technically in violation 😂

The internationalization toml is embedded as source code instead of read at runtime, which means my instance, which (a) has a one-line change and (b) operates peer-to-peer with yours and therefore constitutes user facing ; is now illegal since I made a change, but didn’t bother commit it to git and push it. I was under the impression it was MIT at the time due to the notice on the main site.

Now, I’m not technically breaking any rules until I refuse to provide my (admittedly one-line) diff to the first person who asks, but it’s still a little scary to realize I’m ‘on the hook’ for something I didn’t expect to be.

However, having seen what Amazon has done with dynamodb, I totally understand the reasoning behind AGPL.

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