Here is an example of usage:

func Example() {
	pass := "my_pass"
	hash := "my_pass"

	pwd := passwd.New(
		&unix.MD5{}, // first is preferred type.

	_, err := pwd.Passwd(pass, hash)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("fail: ", err)

	// Check if we want to update.
	if !pwd.IsPreferred(hash) {
		newHash, err := pwd.Passwd(pass, "")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("fail: ", err)

		fmt.Println("new hash:", newHash)

	// Output:
	//  new hash: $1$81ed91e1131a3a5a50d8a68e8ef85fa0

This shows how one would set a preferred hashing type and if the current version of ones password is not the preferred type updates it to enhance the security of the hashed password when someone logs in.

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