@prologic@twtxt.net @ocdtrekkie@twtxt.net @mckinley@twtxt.net @darch@neotxt.dk @Tel It was very nice, indeed! No idea who Tel was, though. Please identify yourself! ;-) I also missed the first 15 minutes since I was in the wrong call and didn’t take any notes either, but here’s what I remember from the top of my head:

  • Ocdtrekkie’s home and car automation
  • Prologic wanted to try some Go Doom clone or something like that
  • Fixing darch’s Bad Request in the conversation view by removing superfluous csrf_token cookies other than for /, refactoring plans of CSRF handling in yarnd
  • How people getting scammed in all sorts of different ways
  • Pronouncing Twtxt
  • Following YouTube channels
  • Subscribing to RSS and Atom feeds with Newsboat, Tiny Tiny RSS and yarnd
  • And probably a lot more

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