Oooph, my stroll was very tiring today. It felt like I moved forward with just half the regular speed. But when the sun set, the crazy colors gave me new power and I was suddenly back on track at my normal pace.

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Even with just a jumper I was constantly overheating when the sun was out (mostly behind the clouds, though) at 8°C. When I reached the summit, I was drenched in sweat. The wind up there helped me to cool off. Plenty of people were out today, it’s been months that I saw this many on the mountain and forest paths. It just turns out that a lot of people are off work right now.

Some bogans already set off firecrackers, there was a section on my way home that smelled awfully like gunpowder. Bwä, disgusting! I wish all this stupid fireworks shit was banned. Stuff keeps exploding while I type this… I really hate these weeks around new year.

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