📣 Updates to Search Engine:

  • Remove the default fuzziness of 1 (but see below)
  • Fixed several bugs in the pager (trying searching for “Hello World” and sort by “Oldest”)
  • Try to auto-detect the type of the query string by parsing it as a query string, if that fails default to match query…

This last feature GuessQueryType() now allows advanced users to type in a Query String query and letting the backend figure out that’s what you meant. So for example you can search for terms with fuzziness quite easily by just typing in the search box: fuck~1 (for example) or search for mentions by typing in mentions:prologic@twtxt.net – Enjoy 🤗 #Twtxt #Yarn.social #Search #Engine

This is twtxt search engine and crawler. Please contact Support if you have any questions, concerns or feedback!