Me trying to explain to someone over Email why I started the Salty IM project:

First off, you must excuse me because it’s been some years since I last tried Tox.
I therefore can’t say too much about it right now. I had to re-read the Wikipedia page on it, and whilst it sounds good in theory, there was probably a good reason I dismissed it and ceased using it some years ago. Maybe it had something to do with poor client support? (e.g: No iOS client to spread of).

Anyway… Matrix…

I actually tried [Matrix][Matrix=] for a week or so. Initially I had a lot of trouble getting it up and running (using Dendrite). After some “behind the scenes” magic of bad keys being cached in the network things suddenly started working. :D

The thing about Matrix is this:

It is an insanely over engineered protocol. As it so happens, the project is “trying” to be a generic “data synchronization” for the web :O
Putting that aside for a moment, some of my observations of the architecture and protocols are:

  • It takes ~30s to join a room with just 1 person (1:1)
  • It takes ~15m to join a medium sized room !

The thing is Matrix (nor Tor) really satisfy my requirements (not anything else for that matter).

My requirements are quite simple:

  1. It must be self-hosted first and foremost.
    1a) Therefore it must be decentralised
  2. It must be easy to stand up and operate
  3. It must be easy to use
  4. It must be secure and private
  5. It must support “supervised” accounts

The last point is really important to me. I have two young children that are reaching a curious point in their lives and want to do things like Chat on the Internet with Mum/Dad and their friends (at some point). I imagine they’ll also want to get involved in Social Media too (thankfully I’ve solved that already with

I hope I did a good job of sharing with you why I’m building Salty IM


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