To finish this year’s #Victober, I’ll be reading a book of Oscar Wilde’s short stories.

I’ve enjoyed “The Picture of Dorian Gray” when I’ve read it decades ago - but Wilde got into writing plays, and I was never fond of reading plays (watching them, yes!). Other than that, Wilde wrote short stories, but the fact that they predate Dorian Gray, and the fact they are short stories have made me postponing its reading (I do occasionally read short stories, but I confess I’m not a fan of the format).

Victober finally made me pick this one from the shelf: “Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and other stories” is an unfortunate name to this collection of short stories selected by Borges, since the story that gives it its title (Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime) was indeed first published on a collection of short stories also called “Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and other stories”… but with a different selection of stories. In any case, this will give me a good taste of Wilde’s shorter fiction, and, who knows, show me what I have been missing… " />

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