@prologic@twtxt.net Monero has stayed a little more stable than Bitcoin but it’s still a cryptocurrency and it’s still going to fluctuate quite a bit. It also uses proof-of-work algorithm so it still consumes quite a bit of electricity. I think the value of being able to send any amount of money, any time of the day, to anyone on the planet in 20 minutes (appears in 2 minutes, spendable in 20) completely privately with near-zero transaction fees exceeds the drawbacks.

Unfortunately, the characteristics that make it useful as a global currency for day-to-day transactions also make it useful for people doing illicit things. Many exchanges, fearing regulatory action, won’t accept Monero for the same reason they won’t accept Bitcoin from a mixer.

Monero shouldn’t be banned just because people use it for bad things. It’s just a tool and it can be used for good or evil. It’s the same reason countries use when they ban or restrict Tor usage.

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