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(#udtj4fa) @movq Thank you, glad you noticed it! :-D At 27 the light was already mostly gone. I had to throw away plenty of photos from then on. 31 and following were taken past sunset. 31 was the last one I took freehand. Four the next skyline and moon photos I braced my camera on the side of trees as several minutes had passed since 31. So it was just too dark and calculated exposure times went through the roo^Wsky. Not the slightest chance to do anything without a support. Unfortunately, I cannot control exposure manually. For 35 I could balance my camera on top of a fence post. An internet distribution box was my makeshift tripod for 36. They all took several attempts, maybe 30-40 in total. Uuhh, while typing these lines, two large herons fly past the window.

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