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@prologic (#ipbjj5q) I run my 'local' commands over SSH also? I remember researching this, also did some research now, seems that you can only do this with bash or something like this I guess with temp files? t ``` f() { uname } ``` t2 ``` #!/bin/sh . ./t f ssh -T adi@REMOTE << EOF $(cat t) f EOF ```

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(#ipbjj5q) @prologic (#ipbjj5q) Is this a valid function definition? Are we allowed to define the body on the same line? ``` $ cat foo foo() { printf "Hello World" } $ sh foo foo[1]: syntax error: ```{' unmatched ``` ``` $ cat foo foo() { printf "Hello World" } $ /bin/sh -c "$(cat foo); foo" ``` Works well. ``` /bin/sh -c '$(cat foo); foo' ``` Doesn't. I guess is how newlines are processed inside double quotes as opposed to single quotes.```

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