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@prologic (#cn3kxka) also, some people might make accounts with the intention of using twtxt as a way of communication but then go on hiatus for different reasons. They might very well come back. I know I did. I made my account after seeing this repo on github and went on hiatus due to exams and school. I know I'd be confused if I came back and found my account deleted.

matched #ehif6ra score:11.52 Search by:
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(#cn3kxka) You _have_ to identify yourself as an owner of a feed somehow though? I mean sure I get what you're saying, each Pod _has_ accounts. The decentralised parts are the Feeds and Conversations, not so much the "Users". You have to belong to a Pod somewhere, or run your own. At _some_ point I'd like to be able to carry your "identity" around through a network of pods which I _think_ is there things like IndieAuth can help (_PR not merged yet..._).

matched #josftha score:11.52 Search by:
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(#cn3kxka) Yeap all good points. LIke I said, it doesn't _really_ hurt, it just consumes key space... But that's something I _could_ solve in Bitcask itself as a "technical" level where I evict inactive keys out of the in-memory keyspace and archive them to disk instead only keeping "active" keys in memory for fast lookups.

matched #zse2tha score:11.52 Search by:
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