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๐Ÿ’ก **Quick 'n Dirty prototype protocol/spec:** > If we were to decide to write a new spec/protocol, what would it look like? Here's my rough draft (_back of paper napkin idea_): - Feeds are JSON file(s) fetchable by standard HTTP clients over TLS - WebFinger is used at the root of a user's domain (or multi-user) lookup. e.g: `` -> `` - Feeds contain similar metadata that we're familiar with: Nick, Avatar, Description, etc - Feed items are signed with a ED25519 private key. That is all "posts" are cryptographically signed. - Feed items continue to use content-addressing, but use the full Blake2b Base64 encoded hash. - Edited feed items produce an "Edited" item so that clients can easily follow Edits. - Deleted feed items produced a "Deleted" item so that clients can easily delete cached items. #Protocol #Ideas

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