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(#3syipzq) @lyse its a hierarchy key value format. I designed it for the network peering tools i use.. I can grant access to different parts of the tree to other users.. kinda like directory permissions. a basic example of the format is: ``` @namespace # multi # line # comment root :value # example space comment space-tag # attribute comments attribute attr-tag :value for attribute # attribute with multiple # lines of values foo :bar :bin :baz repeated :value1 repeated :value2 ``` each `@` starts the definition of a namespace kinda like `[name]` in ini format. It can have comments that show up before. then each attribute is `key :value` and can have their own `#` comment lines. Values can be multi line.. and also repeated.. the namespaces and values can also have little meta data tags added to them. the service can define webhooks/mqtt topics to be notified when the configs are updated. That way it can deploy the changes out when they are updated.

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(#3syipzq) I can query the configurations a few different ways. i can request the specific name `` or a glob like `foo.*` or trace the hierarchy `` which will give me the namespaces `some`, `some.deep`, ``, and ``. These can be combined.

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