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@adi (#ofgooia) Oh you're still actively on my pod as @old_adi ๐Ÿ˜‚ Sorry about that! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I _hope_ to do some more work this week and improve the follow system as per @lyse 's suggestions and add support for "Moved To: url" as part of an account's deletion flow.

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(#kjjdgua) Also turns out at least on `yarnd` you can follow a "person" who _might_ have multiple feeds like @adi and @old_adi (_as long as you name them differently, as the mapping here is `nick -> url`_) but that it doesn't matter because in both cases the `nick =` metadata is `adi` so they both appear as "adi" although @adi would display as ``. So it's not too bad, "nick" here isn't appropriate for clients I think, it should be called "alias" or "name".

matched #ujxwpqq score:7.07 Search by:
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