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(#aiqtdda) @lyse Oh my god, that sounds just as awful. Yes, that really makes you want to quit. Such a waste of time and energy. It’s really dangerous for one’s mental health as well, burnout is lurking just around the corner. No, it’s not IBM. 😅 I won’t say what it is. 🥴 I don’t think I had contact with any (contemporary) IBM software since around 2010. I love toying around with retro IBM stuff (cause that’s what I grew up with), but really no idea what they’re up to these days. Even the IBM building in our city is long gone.

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(#oc7xdyq) @lyse Goes to show how arcane that system has become. 🥴 I saw in another video today that Microsoft Office used names like `PMWord` and `PMExcel`. There was a time when Vobis (you remember them?) sold PCs with OS/2 pre-installed. Those were the days, man! 😂 > It's already very quick. That’s because it’s not running on a hard disk but a Compact Flash card. 😅 My Warp 4 box *is* on an HDD and scanning directory trees takes quite some time there. 🫤 Spinning rust is crazy slow.

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