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I hate to be the one that instigates and continues to make true the saying "the few spoil it for the many", but off the back of this thread; I have to ask... Should we as a community make a decision here and hard fork Twtxt and no longer actively use it? In other words, break compatibility in such a way that no longer uses or is compatible with Twtxt. As much as I _really_ don't want to do this, and never intended for this to happens, the question has to be asked. This isn't the first time the "few" that exist in the Twtxt community have been hostile, and this likely won't be the last either ๐Ÿ˜ข What say y'all? ๐Ÿค—

matched #w6f7o7a score:11.11 Search by:
(#w6f7o7a) @tkanos That's a really good question. We probably need to evaluate the reasons why we would... Currently is really a landing page for a community of Twtxt clients, Specifications and Extensions that all work together nicely. There are numerous implementations and more being discovered all the time. -- However if the hostility from (shall we call) "Twtxt" purists continues, I see no other choice but to pack up everything we've done and hard fork and break away. Or is there a 3rd option I don't see? ๐Ÿค” -- I _think_ the hardest part of all this is the amount of work, energy and effort we have all poured into this project and community only to have it thrown back in our face ๐Ÿ˜ข -- Work/Energy/Effort (btw) that is completely FREE (as in freedom of choice) and free as in voluntarily created, maintained and costs $0.00 to anyone.

matched #rphpvea score:11.11 Search by:
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(#w6f7o7a) @prologic You know that haters gonna hate. I don't see any valuable discussion or thinking from @lucidiot explaining his statement, waiting for that I won't give much value on a non explaining post. And above of that which extension didn't he like : - metadata (not specific to yarn) and he also uses - subject (sorry not specific to yarn either) - Hashtag (not specific to yarn) - Hash (ok makes one, and he may not like (I don't either), but it's practical)

matched #ljadmoa score:11.11 Search by:
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(#w6f7o7a) As you've said, @prologic, it's impossible to monopolize twtxt because it's just a text file format. Also, Yarnd is under the AGPL, so anyone is free to fork it if they don't like where the project is going. Fortunately, it's under great leadership and development is steered more by the community than the owner of the repository. Don't let it get to you, man. Interoperability with vanilla twtxt is the best feature of Yarn, and it's not worth breaking that because of one person. Besides, you won't win him over even if you do.

matched #5r3wwuq score:11.11 Search by:
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