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@prologic (#ruu6ila) Yes, this time I wasted about two hours on sorting. Needed some breaks here and there, so in total three hours. For just a two and a half hours hike that's a long time. It always depends on how many photos I have to go through, yesterday was definitely on the very extreme end. And then there's the occasional fix in post with the fuzz in my lense (I should try to disassemble and clean it). I talked to a fairly local old fellow on his bike at the bridge and he told me they're going to pave tomorrow on Wednesday.

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@fastidious (#ruu6ila) Hehe. ;-) I heard that Asians take so many photos on their holidays so they can go throught them afterwards and hereby really enjoy their journey. In their culture it's more about the past experience than the current moment. Could be completely wrong, though.

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