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(#7q5b5na) @prologic I do think the post about how to setup jenny + mutt over on the blog is still a great post. I used that post to see the steps to set it up and it works fine. Though I can write some blog post with some more documentation for things like auto publishing. The big issue with plain twtxt is that I would have not seen your post unless I looked on when I was looking at yarn a little bit more. Twtxt does overcome the issue by introducing the registry but I can't figure out any way to use them for Jenny and almost no one uses them in the first place. So I can't see anyones replies or mentions unless I am following them. Yarn does overcome the issue by friends of friends as you would know as the creator of yarn.

matched #yjdijwa score:11.25 Search by:
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(#7q5b5na) @jason @movq I didn't mean to say "move it to's landing page". What I meant was to say expand the Manually section and write some "How To" guides on setting up other clients like Jenny, Twtr, etc. Clients we've collectively accepted as good modern Twtxt clients. And no, I've never wanted to just promote the `yarnd` software here, rather the ecosystem at large, the specs, extensions we've built together, other clients folks have built, tools, etc. That is what many of us call, Yarniverse, Twtxtiverse, whatever else we've come up with over the last few years. I love to see users, clients and pods continually grow over time πŸ‘Œ

matched #f7b43aa score:11.25 Search by:
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