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@prologic, I think it's about time I try out Salty. I followed from the instructions on the website, and it didn't go too well. I suspect it's because the local path from my JSON file (`/01G268YYHWGNYT9M1M9760KP83`) on doesn't return anything because I don't have a broker set up there. I seem to have registered when experimenting with it, but I didn't know until recently because of a very confusing output. That account does exist, though, because it shows up when using `salty-chat lookup`. TL;DR: I want to try Salty. I'm very confused. Would you mind if I use your broker for now? Is there a way to do that and still be If not, could you delete so I can register it again? That private key is long gone.

matched #5535xyq score:10.89 Search by:
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(#5535xyq) @mckinley > think it’s about time I try out Salty. I followed from the instructions on the website, and it didn’t go too well. I suspect it’s because the local path from my JSON file (/01G268YYHWGNYT9M1M9760KP83) on doesn’t return anything because I don’t have a broker set up there. Judging from the output you so kindly provided, this looks like several bugs to me. I might have to spend some time and fix these. I assume you created the Well-Known JSON config file on your web server at the top-level of your domain? The Endpoint is also wrong, it should be an absolute URI. so that's failed too (bug) 😢 Finally in order for you to properly be 100% self-hosted here on your own domain, you'd need to either run msgbus somewhere so you can point your Salty Addr's endpoint at that, or spin up an instance of saltyd which takes care of basically everything automatically.

matched #bzsnnyq score:10.89 Search by:
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(#5535xyq) @mckinley > I seem to have registered when experimenting with it, but I didn’t know until recently because of a very confusing output. That account does exist, though, because it shows up when using salty-chat lookup. You are right, the superfluous warning there is very confusing: > WARN[0001] error looking up user endpoint error="error looking up user non-2xx response received: 404 Not Found" I will remove this. It's silly 😂

matched #moeaquq score:10.89 Search by:
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(#5535xyq) > I assume you created the Well-Known JSON config file on your web server at the top-level of your domain? Yes, it was there for previous attempts, created exactly as `salty-chat make-user` told me to each time. I have since deleted that file from my web server, hoping it would fix the crash on the current attempt, but no dice.

matched #dy7ksrq score:10.89 Search by:
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(#5535xyq) @prologic No need to apologize, and take your time. I know Salty is still in its early stages, and this is a project you're doing for free in your spare time. I wish I could help out with the code. If there's any more information I can give you that would be useful, let me know.

matched #f6ye6hq score:10.89 Search by:
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(#5535xyq) @mckinley At this point the biggest help you could provide (aside from what you've already done!) is to try everything out with your own domain against my broker and see how that goes. @mutefall who graciously documented the setup for a all-in-one setup (get domain, setup domain, stand up broker, etc) did a pretty good job of that docu, but we also probably need more docu. See if you can tease it apart, but essentially if setup an SRV record for your domain that points to my broker and run `salty-chat register nick@yourdomain` which _should_ work as it does a lookup for the SRV record if no broker is provided (optional 2nd argument). If you can get that far, then we've done an "okay" job 😅

matched #jpgsjra score:10.89 Search by:
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