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(#2wuyiea) Also, how would you go about it? I mean, I can start using a txt on my client that is actually coming from a proxy service generating it from an AP account (like we already have on feeds), but how do I announce that your service should "follow back" my own feed so you can see replies and translate them into AP replies?

matched #bpcc3wa score:12.34 Search by:
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(#2wuyiea) @marado See it would work a lot like this. Ther eare two ways we can do this, either a full-bridge service where you registry your Twtxt feed + forward WKD requests for your domain to the service. AP actors would then follow you at the bridge service (transparent to them really) and you would in turn follow them as regular Twtxt feeds. There'd be the same amount of work doing translations on both sides. The other way to do this (or in addition to) would be to build a Twtxt client (of sort, or maybe a new multi-protocol client) that supports fetching AP actor's outboxes (the only requirement really being that you need to have a defined Actor with an RSA key pair, which is easy to do on a static site)

matched #4nrhcka score:12.34 Search by:
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(#2wuyiea) @marado That's right. This was the original plan, to basically build an AP bridging service and integrated that with `yarnd` -- but at the time it was a lot more work/harder to do this as I had no idea what I was doing then ๐Ÿคฃ Now I do, but the effort/work is still a lot either way ๐Ÿ˜…

matched #vx2uihq score:12.34 Search by:
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