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(#a4eab3q) @screem Matrix whenever possible (ie, close friends and family who are willing to set up an account just to talk to me… I host my own instance for my family), Signal as a second choice, but unfortunately WhatsApp is the de-facto way to communicate where I live. Still, could be worse, at least it's e2ee (in theory / if you believe them). The one I absolutely refuse to use is FB Messenger…

matched #5am4ina score:11.57 Search by:
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(#a4eab3q) @mutefall Cheers, that's good to know. Both of them do look like good options; I would have gone with Mailbox were it not for the hassle with multiple accounts at the same domain (they seem to be trying to force users who want multiple accounts onto their enterprise pricing). I've played with a free Mailfence account and it seems pretty good (better than Proton as it has real PGP support including automatic WKD lookups).

matched #iw7nxtq score:11.57 Search by:
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(#a4eab3q) @mutefall @carsten Any experience with Mailbox or Mailfence (or anything else good) with a custom domain? I'm looking to move my family's email away from Google Apps. Was quite excited about Mailbox but then I discovered it seems to be infeasible to have multiple accounts with them using your own domain, since they require each account to individually verify domain ownership through DNS… Considering Mailfence now.

matched #l5gobgq score:11.57 Search by:
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(#a4eab3q) @screem The problem is this bit: > All accounts have their own, individual security key. This makes it possible to associate external domains to several accounts, if desired, simply by adding their different security keys to the DNS configuration. Meaning I can't just create accounts for each of my family at my domain from an admin panel; rather, they have to create their own accounts, find their "individual security key", give it to me, and I have to add a new TXT record to the DNS for every account. Way too much hassle 😆

matched #lwclbna score:11.57 Search by:
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