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@lyxal People probably noticed my account is renamed to "null" and the showcase meta question is too. I feel very sorry about this - a person controlled my account and did this (no, I'm not joking). For this reason, I'm also not going to be active for the next few days. Announce this to CGCC, please!

matched #q4wdjka score:10.86 Search by:
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@lyxal I will not be able to use Stack Exchange for the above reason, but I will be active on twtxt. And as a somewhat silly request, I wish someone to ask on Mother Meta, either logout my account from all device and reset the password (to protect it from being deleted) or remove the "remove login" feature or "delete account" feature specifically for my account. Thank you.

matched #5vpsymq score:10.86 Search by:
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Oh, for anyone who cares about it, I'm about to finish the full specs of Hexagoneplus. Before I can come back to CGCC, here's a spoiler: The only way to do control flow is push a new program onto the stack. When it errors out, the program halts. Oh and the restriction is changed to, you must go through every written command before you can go through one (written) command twice or halt the program. Because the previous restriction will lead to terminate-with-error abuse. Now, however, I can store the output until the program reaches the same command twice.

matched #pp25fea score:10.86 Search by:
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