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@jlj @prologic (#bgxmxia) I have already submitted the PR, but the work is a big job, now the basic pages did i18n support, but there are a lot of work to do, such render list by the code, messages or errors, etc. I hope this as a start, using i18n message definition in the development of future versions. Then the latter work is relatively easy. Thank you very much! Sorry, my English is so poor.🤪 ### i18n Pages: - timeline - register - login - reset password - error - follow - setttings - profile - blogs - followers - following - bookmars - feeds

matched #x2tcnba score:10.65 Search by:
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(#bgxmxia) @prologic @adi @jlj I hope(The peace of the world 😁) add different packages to place files, such as handlers, domain models. like this: It doesn't matter. It's just my personal preference. 🤪

matched #kozemia score:10.65 Search by:
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