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alienmelon's Electric Zine Maker is more than I anticipated. Something I was expecting to be a tool ended up being emotionaly crushing. Getting so much kindness from the tool, before absorbing so much darkness at once without the time to brace for it feels worse than weird. I recommand to try it, weither you want to make zines or not. It's a very unique, exceptional, work and experience. Everything is in the details.

matched #ugmltya score:10.16 Search by:
After a few hours of usage, twtxt feels very in control, in the same way personnal websites do. I feel better writing for it than on other social medias, including Mastodon. The software isn't using me this time, I'm using it. It's everything I love about RSS, but as a small social network. No dependencies, accessible to everyone and powerful. Very cool!

matched #2j553ua score:10.16 Search by:
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