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(#najbypq) @eldersnake Yeah it's a bit sad and pathetic to see things like this happen in the world 😢 😡 The sinister side of my thinks, If I were a psychopathic asshole hell bent on getting rich (_which I'm not! 🤣_); How could I make a quick $$$ Trillion dollars? 🤔 I know! There's 7.9 Billion people in the world, let's make as many of as sick as we can, then produce some drugs that they _have_ to take and we'll be rich, wealthy, powerful! 🤣 Okay okay `` 😂

matched #g2cmena score:11.57 Search by:
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(#najbypq) @fastidious This true, it's called the "free market". I get it 😂 What folks like @eldersnake and I share in opinion though is an outcry over the Billions, Trillions of dollar that Big Tech and Pharmaceuticals have made over this pandemic (_okay I'm mostly talking about my own opinion here! 😂_) but still... Bottom line is IHMO I _wish_ the world wasn't all about money sometimes 🤗

matched #qtj2gmq score:11.57 Search by:
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(#najbypq) > Yeah the main point is how these vaccine companies try and maximize their profits and put up roadblocks until they get what they want Yeah this is what I have a problem with basically. What about the suffering people? Can't we put the health, safety and longevity of our species and planet first over questionable sums of something called "an economy"? 🤔

matched #y4safrq score:11.57 Search by:
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