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(#yiae2ea) There is also a **real** cost to allowing arbitrary media in original quality (_up to the `-U/--max-upload-size`_) and that cost comes to the end-user / viewer who _may_ actually be paying for "Traffic" -- I kid you not, we do this in Australia still today in #2021 -- I wish I was making this up 🤦‍♂️

matched #6bv6xuq score:8.76 Search by:
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(#yiae2ea) Concerns: - Supporting folks with poor bandwidth or limited traffic plans. Yes! This is still a thing. - Performance is still a consideration. Larger media will incur additional latency, cost, bandwidth, etc. - Not everyone would _really_ want this per se, see above point. I kind of like the approach @lyse and @movq already take, which I'm sure they've developed their own "processes" for this. Perhaps we can do something similar, accept the original, still do some processing, show the smaller versions by default and let users decide to see the original?

matched #aedtelq score:12.39 Search by:
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(#yiae2ea) @fastidious I just think we have to be mindful of how we approach this. There is nothing worse than a poor user experience with a "spinning wheel" loading up multi-Megabyte images on a poor Internet connection. Maybe it's better in the US, but even here in Australia, our so-called 4G/LTE/5G is utter rubbish....

matched #idwvepa score:12.39 Search by:
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(#yiae2ea) @prologic > I just think we have to be mindful of how we approach this. There is nothing worse than a poor user experience with a “spinning wheel” loading up multi-Megabyte images on a poor Internet connection. Maybe it’s better in the US, but even here in Australia, our so-called 4G/LTE/5G is utter rubbish…. And not even just users, there's some people like myself even hosting on such a rubbish connection... I know the easy argument would be just "buy a real host" or something, but if we're serious about the environment and ease of access for everyone etc etc, I think we need to be a bit more thoughtful than the usual social media alternatives.

matched #mrh3zwa score:12.39 Search by:
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