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(#uehjnbq) @abucci I have to admit, coming from CVS, then Subversion (SVN) then Mercurial (hg) and finally Git (git), I actually kind of agree with some of the points there from the SQLIte author... -- That being said, I'm not switching from using Git anytime soon, as I've gotten so used to it. Maybe one day I'll write my own version control system 🀣 (kidding, or am? πŸ€”)

matched #6goqraa score:12.02 Search by:
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(#uehjnbq) @prologic hmm, I started out on RCS and felt like CVS was a huge leap forward. I never used Mercurial. If I did switch version control systems I think I'd try pijul because the workflow sounds so much safer and easier than `git`. But I have to admit, the fact that the `fossil` executable is only around 4 Mbyes and contains the source control stuff, issue tracker, forum, chat room, user management, and ability to serve remote developers makes it pretty attractive. You need separate tools or plugins for that stuff with `git`and Microsoft bought one of them and another (Gitea) looks to be going down that road too.

matched #xrkgfpa score:12.02 Search by:
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