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(#rc7tt5a) @jlj @prologic yes my idea that is show the time since lastes post in each feed (timeline and mention). The idea is that you do not need to check/click on each feed if you know you read all you mention if it say 2h and you checked just 1h ago. And in this way I imagine this will be less additive than how it work now. And we also does not need to log if a user read/viewed a post or not like in red-badge notifications. I hope this makes sense otherwise I would be up for video call Sunday after 16 CEST

matched #5nkjesa score:11.94 Search by:
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@darch @jlj (#rc7tt5a) This makes perfect sense ๐Ÿ‘Œ The downside of a traditional "notification" system is a) it's hard to do (_espcailly on Mobile_) and )b) even harder to "self-host" and c) it would detract from the current "data models" currently used pretty much everywhere. So I'm glad we're just keeping it simple like this ๐Ÿค—

matched #5tsemaq score:11.94 Search by:
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@darch @eldersnake (#rc7tt5a) Interesting! I just had to point out *mentions* to @search_social the other day, as he wasn't sure how to find out whether anyone had responded in any of the conversations he was in or had started; this feels like it might be a subtle way to draw the eye to that. I wonder whether it would trigger any of that addictive behaviour we're trying to avoid here... ๐Ÿค” To be honest, that's probably always going to be a tradeoff, and this feels like it might be landing on the side of 'worth it.' :-)

matched #e4p56nq score:11.94 Search by:
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@jlj @darch @eldersnake @search_social (#rc7tt5a) I kind of tend to agree, I've never really thought a "notification" system would provide a lot of value per se, it would just either a) become too annoying or b) become addictive or both. Is the idea behind the "15m", "1h" etc basically a "time since last post on timeline" and "time since you were last mentioned"? I _assume_ these are not dynamic (_requiring Javascript_)? ๐Ÿค”

matched #mctwttq score:11.94 Search by:
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