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**WARNING:** Political Twt for local Aussies living in and around the Ryan ellocotre. Voices Ryan - YouTube Interesting set of independent candidates. If I had to say anything at all, it would be that the Greens candidate, Elizabeth is really the only one that makes any sense at all, and probably has the highest chance of making any kind of political impact on this beloved country of ours (Australia) that the Liberals (and very likely Labour) would just see burned to the ground. #Australia #Politics #VoicesOfRyan

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I recently learned that our Australian Liberal National Party, spent 10's of thousands of dollars on a campaign involving flyers posted around the suburbs (_localities_) of our local Greens federal member, Elizabeth Watson Brown. Not only was the material produced by the LNP party, distributed and paid for by the LNP party, full of lies, but they had the audacity to make the "flyers" _appear_ as though they were from the Greens themselves! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ wtf?! #Politics #Sucks

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