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(#lt34ixq) @eaplmx I _think_ that's my main gripe too: > Is unfair that Photoshop charges you for something that previously was free? I don’t know. > Before PS had a single payment and now it’s a subscription. I think there comes the main rant. All these companies trying to push the "subscription" mode for everything. First there was Toyota that tried to pull that stunt with the remote key fob that remote started the car and tried to con customers into paying a subscription for something that car can actually do it its own πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Then Mercedes Bens has followed up with a subscription service just to have heated seats, again, something your fucking car can do that you paid 10s of thousands of dollars for. I mean it's just nuts πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

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(#lt34ixq) @eaplmx I totally get and accept if its a valid service that actually provides some meaningful value in return. But companies like Toyota and Mercedes (just to cite two recent examples) charging you a subscription free for an already expensive product that does the thing X that you're being forced to pay a subscription to company Y for is just bullshit.

matched #dzc3nva score:11.85 Search by:
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(#lt34ixq) @carsten I like the ideas of Doctorow but I don't completely agree on this one. In this case is like if you register a perfume. Could a Pantone Rose Perfume be created? I guess so, b/c it's not only a name (which is a brand), but the recipe to reach to that smell. It's not so fair under the current IP legislation that someone else can use your work and sell the same perfume as theirs. Would it be plagiarism IMO. Again, it's polemic, but in this specific case I think people don't understand what's behind licensing a Pantone. I leave a discussion on that:

matched #eztjyiq score:11.85 Search by:
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