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(#jcfmfta) And there's actually a good story around why I built uLinux -- At one point or another, due to Docker's binary size increasing over time with more features added. RancherOS (which BurmillaOS is now a community maintained fork of) had increased minimum memory requirements to boot from ~512MB of memory to ~1GB. Basically it was impossible to boot a RancherOS (BurmillaOS is the same) on a VM smaller than 1GB of memory. Once booted of course, you could reduce the memory -- But almost no Hypervisor supports that ๐Ÿ˜‚ So I thought to myself: > Fuck it, I'll build my own LInux Distro (I've done it before!) that is designed to be as lightweight as possible **and** supports Docker and/or some kind of containers. I also write `box` (a pure POSIX shell script container system) then then later ported that to a go version of box ๐Ÿคฃ

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