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(#gupeqha) This is the problem with government oligarchy 's. With a complete culture of impunity, they literally behave like they are above the law and somehow get away with it, all the fucking time ๐Ÿคฌ I mean c'mon, seriously. What is the point of having laws if politicians can't be held accountable and abide by the very same laws the rest of us have to?! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

matched #5hwk4ua score:12.73 Search by:
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(#gupeqha) ... You should watch more of #friendlyjordies 's videos, especially the ones about John Barilaro . Also for another recent example watch NSW Police: Utterly Compromised. This is what's completely and utterly wrong with our bullshit of a government. Our government has especially gotten worse in the last few years alone with their totalitarian rule and recent bills passed without even so much as a public opinion. #Australian #Government

matched #dgf6q4a score:6.37 Search by:
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(#gupeqha) Assuming the allegation in this video are correct (_and I have no reason to doubt they are_): > Michael John Fuller, APM is the Commissioner of the New South Wales Police Force. He replaced Andrew Scipione on 31 March 2017, when Scipione retired. In July 2021, Fuller announced that he would be leaving the New South Wales Police Force in April 2022 to work in the private sector John Fuller needs to be fired. But see here's the thing, he more than likely won't get fired because Scotty from marketing will likely protect his corrupt sorry ass. ๐Ÿคฃ

matched #mwjaosa score:12.73 Search by:
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(#gupeqha) @off_grid_living Yes we do have the absolute right to take our governments to court and sue their sorry excuses of an ass! ๐Ÿ˜‚ That's what's called living in a "free" (_as in civil liberties, human rights and all that!_) country. Yes I agree with you there are "certain words" that can be offensive, especially when targeted at individuals. This is and _can_ be true. However one of the biggest problems is what is offensive to one person may not be offensive to another. Cultural references play a big part here in "speech"....

matched #staqw5a score:12.73 Search by:
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