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**Ask HN: Does AI just need to be useful?** It's funny to me how so many AI / ML post discussions on news.ycombinator devolve into does it truely understand, isn't humans just a bunch of pattern matching machines, what does it mean to truly understand. Then someone mentioned Qualia and we are off to the races... Someone counters with AI is what machines currently can't do.. I like the simple question of: is it useful? Like #chatgpt my brother in law uses it daily to actually solve coding problems and he works for google. Si ... ⌘ Read more

matched #epvdpoa score:11.16 Search by:
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**ChatGPT email reply engine for fun** An email reply engine that uses #chatgpt to automatically generate personalized responses to emails. The engine even takes into account a labeling system for contacts * * * Comments URL: Points: 1 \# Comments: 0 ⌘ Read more

matched #nl57qha score:11.16 Search by:
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