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๐Ÿค” So.... Given Google's recent decision to kill legacy Google Apps and force existing grandfathered users off and on to Workspace and make them pay -- I'm kind of curious now... In addition to paying Google for Google Workspace, you also have to hand over all your personal data and personal information right? That means Google (**an advertising company**) makes money off you in two ways right?! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Q: How long before ordinary folk of the world at large start to realize (_because this kind of corporate behaviour will just continue_) start to wonder: > Hmm, why am I paying X for a service when I have to also give X all my data an information? > And, why am I still getting ads shoved in my face?! > I thought it was suppose to be free?! #InformationAge -> #PrivacyAge

matched #cb32liq score:9.36 Search by:
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About Scaling Up - Verne Harnish's Best-selling Book Currently _trying_ to get a PDF (_Portable Document Format_) version of this book. So far I can't seem to do this ๐Ÿ˜ข I am **NOT** purchasing through Amazing (_privacy eroding garbage that it is_) nor buying a fucking Kindle (_same reasons_). So I've emailed the Author to ask if he could sell it to me in PDF format. I'm even willing to pay up to $15.00 USD for a PDF version! ๐Ÿ˜… #Privacy #InformationAge -> #PrivacyAge

matched #hyu3j7a score:7.64 Search by:
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