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So... The last couple of days for me at my day job has been figuring out how to tier our various environments and setup some kind of tiered Prometheus. Federation was never going to work out so well for me because you can't scrape 10-20k time-series of another Prometheus server, the scraping loop will just timeout consume that amount of data. Turns out there is a new feature in Prometheus v2.34.0 called "Agent mode" that allows one to run a Prometheus server in such a way that it does two very important things: - Sends/writes all time-series it locally scrapes via Remote Write to another Prometheus server - Keeps a WAL (write-ahead-log) to ensure no metric is ever lost and, - only deletes the WAL entries on a successful write to the remote Prometheus. This setup allows (along with appropriate External Labels) to have a very nice tiered Prometheus setup where you effectively have a central Prometheus server (with no scraping configuration, except for Prometheus itself) that acts as the Remote receiver for Prometheus agents. #SRE #DevOps #Prometheus #Monitoring

matched #2n7pifa score:6.13 Search by:
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**Book Release: Go For DevOps #go #golang #sre #devops #terraform #kubernetes** In the book you will find: \\* The basics of Go (including the 1.18 generics addition) \\* Using Go with various encoding formats \\* Building basic REST and gRPC services \\* Applying Go to automate local system tasks \\* Utilizing Go to automate those same tasks on thousands of machines \\* Building a ... โŒ˜ Read more

matched #4xa2zua score:5.01 Search by:
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An Introductory Guide to DevOps LifeCycle | by Jatin Mittal | DevOps Dudes | Medium Bahahaha just accidently came across this article and thought I'd share it with y'all. > DevOps is not a programming language, itโ€™s not a tool, itโ€™s not a technologyโ€ฆโ€ฆ.then what DevOps is? > > It is a combination of Development and Operations or Itโ€™s a collective responsibility of the developers and operators. Every time I get called up by a recruiter, or try to hire myself into my team (I'm a Lead SRE) I keep telling them: > DevOps is not a "thing", it is not a role. There is no such thing as a DevOps Engineer. I'm glad some folks out there _actually_ know what da fuq they're talking about ๐Ÿ˜… #devops

matched #glxjwqq score:12.26 Search by:
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(#2vf6paa) I don't normally enjoy much of the content that comes out of the CNCF but in this particular case this guest blog post on how DevOps is 'misunderstood" is actually a great read. I empathize with a lot of the points made here and agree. ๐Ÿ‘Œ It also makes me want to write a follow-up blog post in response to this, because there's another aspect of "misunderstanding" when it comes to the "Platform Operators" as the author puts it here that I'd like to discuss ๐Ÿ˜… #DevOps #SRE

matched #qnfdlha score:7.08 Search by:
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