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(#3qbo22q) I actually got the vax at work because my boss sent me an email that they had some extra ones. The second dose was frankly pretty painful. Since I'm pretty sure I'm due for a third sometime soon, I can't help but wonder, will it be better or worse? And furthermore as a guy who blew off the last 3 years of flu shots out of laziness I've enjoyed not having to worry about that outdated virus since everybody masking up shut it down... seemingly...

matched #bw6uvsa score:10.7 Search by:
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(#3qbo22q) Whilst I respect your opinion, I restpfectully disagree with you. It is not selfish (_depending on your motiviations_). Much like the Influenza viruses, we really shouldn't be calling these "vaccines". We are giving people a false sense of security. These are not well tested with longitudinal studies, these "vaccines" were rushed without proper testing. No doubt you've seen where even fully vaccinated persons continue to both carry, spread and even contract the disease. The Deltra variant is even now plaguing many parts of Australia...

matched #cbboozq score:10.7 Search by:
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(#3qbo22q) > No testing phase has been skipped during the development of the COVID-19 vaccines. Some of the testing phases have been combined or run at the same time to help test COVID-19 vaccines quickly and make them available as soon as possible. This from my local government -- Sure okay "tests" were done, but my _belief_ this was rushed isn't as false as one might think? What "official" information do you have @jlj ? ๐Ÿค”

matched #cickz4a score:10.7 Search by:
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