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**Is PHP Declining In Popularity?** The PHP programming language has sunk to its lowest position ever on the long-running TIOBE index of programming language popularity. It now ranks #17 โ€” lower than Assembly Language, Ruby, Swift, Scratch, and MATLAB. InfoWorld reports: When the Tiobe index started in 2001, PHP was about to become the standard language for building websites, said Paul Jansen, CEO of software quality services vendor Tiobe. ... โŒ˜ Read more

matched #eyrdxaa score:1.38 Search by:
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(#5gb3dqq) Honestly, the entire follow system is flawed. Check my followers, #3 was a web crawler with a user agent that happened to fit the regex, and #17 was myself requesting my own feed with a simple curl command. Unfortunately, I don't see a real solution to the problem while keeping the ability for external feeds to show up as "following" a user on a Yarn pod.

matched #gcgwmsq score:0.79 Search by:
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**Peter Saint-Andre: Aristotle Research Report #17: Let the Re-Reading Begin** Just under two years ago, I thought I was done with phase one of my research into Aristotle's views o human flourishing, having at that point read around 120 distinct works by or related to Aristotle (including all of Plato's dialogues). Well, I was wrong: since then I've read an additional 150 works, almost exclusively in the scholarly literature on Aristotle. Now I have three whole shelves of books about Aristotle in my office.... โŒ˜ Read more

matched #qnn2t5a score:1.38 Search by:
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