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(#111691825025835118) I'm starting #MaradoWeekly - weekly taking a picture and showing it to you. For #2024, those pictures are going to be from a #WeeklyRecord - a hashtag you're invited to use and share with me if you also want to take a weekly picture of a record. It is not "my favorite records", or "five star records" or anything of the sort, they'll simply be "the record I decided to shoot and share this week". And since this is supposed to be a photo hashtag, I'll shut up now, and leave you with the first picture of the series ;-) Week 1: "33", the most recent CD in the house, a compilation of Portuguese bands.

matched #bkwe7ua score:3.31 Search by:
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(#111691825025835118) I'm starting #MaradoWeekly - weekly taking a picture and showing it to you. For #2024, those pictures are going to be from a #WeeklyRecord - a hashtag you're invited to use and share with me if you also want to take a weekly picture of a record. It is not "my favorite records", or "five star records" or anything of the sort, they'll simply be "the record I decided to shoot and share this week". And since this is supposed to be a photo hashtag, I'll shut up now, and leave you with the first picture of the series ;-) Week 1: "33", the most recent CD in the house, a compilation of Portuguese bands.

matched #oluhzcq score:3.31 Search by:
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