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I have a day off, national holiday. What happened so far: - Internet outage since early in the morning. Still going on. - Unable to reach a human being at my ISP, so I hope they mean it when the computer voice says "we know it, we're on it". 🤣 - systemd (PID 1) crashed. Might be partially my fault, but meh. I take this as a sign to not do any computer stuff today. 🤣

matched #dvnigcq score:1.05 Search by:
(#ixpmzia) Ran a few tests. Copying data from the NAS’s encrypted ZFS pool to the USB disk’s encrypted btrfs runs at ~20 MByte/s. That is for a single 1 GB file of random data. Cold caches, `sync` included. That same USB disk with the same btrfs can sustain ~75 MByte/s when I use it on my workstation (i7-3770). And indeed, the `aes` flag does not show up in the output of `lscpu` on the NAS. I’ll try to tweak some things about this, but it might be time for an upgrade … 🫤 (Or I’ll have to re-think the entire thing somehow.)

matched #zyg6vzq score:0.88 Search by:
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(#ixpmzia) The “annoying” thing about hardware these days is that it basically keeps working “forever”. At least much, much longer that you’d expect. Now that I think about it … I only remember *one* PC of mine actually dying because of a hardware failure – and that was probably because I did too much overclocking. 😂 If it wasn’t for changes in *software*, I could probably still use them all. I mean, why not, my Pentium 133 still works and I use it for gaming regularly. So … my little NAS probably won’t die any time soon. Hmmm.

matched #brdqqiq score:0.93 Search by:
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