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(#tqapeoa) @marado I'm serving my twtxt in Spanish on Gemini as well, and perhaps we could serve Yarn/ on a proxy. I like that the 'protocol' goes beyond federalization and it's mostly decentralized, with some inherent disadvantages like discoverability, so you can federate it, have pods, instances, directories and such. I'm missing some interoperation like on ActivityPub but not having it is a kind of feature. For me is like a self hosted blog with RSS.

matched #22u2fta score:10.6 Search by:
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(#zffutwq) @marado I don't agree completely with the concept of wearing out (like audio CDs vs LP or audio cassettes) degrading quality over time. But in terms of accessibility, I fully agree. Now I can't play either CDs or LPs since I don't have a player. I'm using digital media like YouTube/Spotify for my old music. But I also have SD with music from 20 years ago... Basically, I like both media.

matched #2t6acoa score:10.6 Search by:
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(#hzrblbq) @marado I _think_ the main thing that's important if you want to build your own client, publishing tools and host your own `twtxt.txt` file is to follow some or all of the specs we've documented at Probably the most important and useful ones are the Metadata, Twt Subject and Twt Hash extensions. For example, having an Avatar and Description in your feed is kind of useful and nice for others ๐Ÿ‘Œ And being able to participate in "threads" by using the Twt Subject and Twt Hash exts is also useful ๐Ÿ˜…

matched #32wgxga score:10.6 Search by:
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(#hwp4cqa) @marado didn't know about that holiday, interesting. I don't like to be that radical with DRM, but having a DRM free option is always a requirement to me. It would be interesting to write a bit about DRM free options and why is it convenient for creators and audiences to prefer DRM free products.

matched #3fky3ea score:10.6 Search by:
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@marado @prologicnet (#nkrjalq) cc @prologic They facilitate replies (and, by extension, conversations) on I think a few clients support them now, but @prologic can give you the particulars. ๐Ÿ™‚

matched #5n44l7q score:6.12 Search by:
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