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(#kthy2ya) @bender @abucci I'm not trying to be hostile, or spread misinformation. I was there, on the Fediverse, back when it happened. If anyone wants more information about this part of Fediverse history, they can watch this short video about it: Even this video is in favor of this kind of instance-based moderation and so am I - to some, but much lesser extent. There are instances, that unfortunately became the home of mostly pedophiles or animal abusers and I'm sure no-one else, wants to see that, unless "that" means seeing these kinds of people in jail. What I have a problem with, is circulating blocklists, including many instances, because of some political ideology or offensive/dark sense of humor - or worst case scenario, the actions of only few of its members. An ideal implementation of the Fediverse, would in my opinion, warn users, when they're about to interact with one of these instances, but still give them the options, to accept the risks and go forward with it. I think this decision being left purely to instance administrators, can in some cases further the divide, between groups and opinions and lead to more extreme versions of those opinions eventually. We can argue about the other topics too, but that's probably less important, as I'll always be of the opinion, that when it comes to humor, anything (me included) can be a target - to the point where I even think it's ok, to make fun of tragedies, as soon as they happened, even if I usually don't do that myself. The sanitization only applies to some sites, like YouTube - removing the dislike button and making their rules way stricter, when it comes to some topics. There are other examples, but I don't want to make this textwall infinite, so I'll let go of this, for now. Lastly and probably most importantly, it was pretty stupid of me, to add these other frustrations of mine, onto this thread about transphobia. Even if we disagree about what is, or isn't too far, when it comes to humor, I'm obviously in favor, of keeping this place free of any kind of discrimination.

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(#ou7x5jq) @bender @prologic Thanks and enjoy! :-) It's definitely worth making. Although gingerbread works all year around, I have to say that it is much better in the colder season than in summer. Not sure why that is, but my grandma always told me that gingerbread only works in winter. I didn't believe her, so after a lot of begging she finally made me one tray in summer. It was not the same. Also when I tried it years after myself, same result. So @prologic and others in the Southern hemisphere, wait half a year for best results. :-)

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