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(#ybirvla) @New_scientist So here's a piece of "tid bit" for you... I'm actually "vision impaired" / "legally blind" (_I have <~1% useful sight_). I __actually_- identity people by the way they work from a distance. Every person I've met in so far in my life whether I see them frequently, occasionally or rarely have a very unique way about them and "style" of walk. So... I am not surprised! ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ The question now of course is, are we going to give this piece of privacy away too?! ๐Ÿคฃ

matched #lzoi7qa score:11.5 Search by:
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(#addgj3q) @New_scientist because of course they have. Emily Bender, a computational linguistic and excellent critic of this generative AI nonsense, uses an analogy of an oil spill to characterize what is happening as a result of generative AI. It's polluting the world with false information, false images, false "academic" articles, false books. The companies that create this stuff are not cleaning up their misinformation spill; they're letting the mess spread all over. It's being used to commit crimes, and that'll only get worse. Just like an out of control oil spill will destroy entire ecosystems.

matched #mt6f6ea score:11.5 Search by:
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(#yrdafza) @New_scientist No, Google does not predict this. "Google AI" has been self-promoting like this for decades. Remember when they used to brag that they could predict the onset of flu season weeks before it started? That silently went away because they got it badly wrong many times and people caught on to how bad their "predictions" actually were. They can't stop themselves. Anything about AI coming out of big tech companies these days is marketing, not real, and certainly not science.

matched #n4ediia score:11.5 Search by:
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