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(#zkjovca) @prologic (Mild spoilers ahead.) Today’s puzzle was one of those where I immediately knew that there *must* be a solution that does not require actually copying anything. AoC often has these kinds of problems that make it *look like* you have to create lots of duplicates, multiply objects, stuff like that. That’s often a sign that you can solve it by doing something simple. πŸ˜… (If only that was true in real life as well. πŸ˜‚)

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Today's #AdventofCode #2023 was a bit of a whoozie 🀣 Not only did I have to work today (_today being Monday et all_), but also had to deal with a minor incident, then have dinner, etc and by the time I got back to my half-finished day 4 puzzle, I got a bit stuck with the 2nd part πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ I guess I don't really like array manipulation, it's so easy to get lost 🀣

matched #zkjovca score:12.26 Search by:
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