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(#wp6qgva) @tel This is not actually a problem. As long as you have outbound, you can self-host. All you need to do is run a VPS somewhere or use something like the ngrok service or pagekite. If it's helpful/useful to anyone I'm more than willing to run a low-cost (or free) service to help you folks out ๐Ÿค—

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(#wp6qgva) @prologic @tel It wouldn't be so useful for e-mail, but Tor hidden services (.onion services) punch through NAT and don't require any open ports to run. You don't need anything to run a Tor hidden service except for a machine to run it on. The only downsides are speed, ping, and the relative difficulty for others to use the service. No matter what, if you're going to self-host on your home network, take proper security precautions. Look into isolating the server on a VLAN so it can't talk to the other devices on your local network, minimize bloat, enable a firewall, and keep your software updated to start.

matched #s47wqua score:12.95 Search by:
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